COFFEE: A surprising drink for your liver health

For many of us, coffee time is a very important part of our routine. A cup of morning coffee wakes us up from the previous night’s sleep and keeps us energised for the rest of the day. But did you know that drinking coffee not only keeps us active but can also protect and keep your liver healthy? If you are a coffee person, here is some good news …

Connection between coffee and liver disease

If we look at the past, there has been various research on coffee and its impact on the liver. In one such study published in 2021, it was found that people who consume coffee have a 21% lower risk of liver disease and a 49% lower risk of death from chronic liver disease. So, is there some connection? Yes, there is a strong link between high coffee consumption and high liver benefits. Especially, the benefits of groundnut coffee on your liver are greater than those of instant coffee.

Now, what are the benefits?

Coffee is a commonly consumed drink, and its connection with the liver might have left you thinking about its benefits. There are many benefits to the liver, as revealed by various studies. So, the benefits of coffee on the liver include:

  • Regular coffee consumption delays the onset of cirrhosis and lowers the risk of developing the condition.
  • It helps lower the rate of advancement of hepatitis C liver disease.
  • In people with alcohol-related liver disease, a reduction in the course of fibrosis with higher consumption of coffee
  • An average amount of coffee consumption reduces the risk of liver cancer.
  • Consuming 2 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of developing cirrhosis by 44% and liver cancer by 25%, and 4 cups a day reduces cirrhosis by 65% and liver cancer by 50%.
  • Regular coffee drinking reduces the chance of non-alcoholic liver disease developing into cirrhosis.

So, these are the benefits of coffee on your liver, and your regular drinking of coffee helps lower the symptoms and inflammation in your liver.

1. Coffee and its magic

Coffee has caffeine, which has the power to energise your body and mind and keeps you fresh after every cup. But did you know it contains other substances that can reduce liver disease?

  • Coffee has antioxidants and other substances that help reduce inflammation in your liver.
  • Paraxanthine, one of the by-products after the digestion of coffee, helps slow down the growth of scar tissue, which may develop into cirrhosis, fibrosis, and liver cancer.
  • Some acids present in coffee help fight the virus that causes hepatitis C.
  • Kahweol and cafestol present in coffee slow down the growth of cancer cells in the liver.

Coffee has natural properties that help reduce liver disease and prevent inflammation from becoming harmful.

2. CThings to keep in mind

We all know that too much of anything can become harmful, and so can coffee. So, these effects of coffee on the liver come with a few conditions which should be kept in mind to maintain your liver health.

  • Black coffee, that is, coffee without sugar and cream, is ideal since it can aggravate diabetes in your body.
  • Coffee can be highly sensitive to excess consumption and sometimes cause headaches, digestion issues, lack of sleep, etc. So, is it important that you don't exceed the limit.
  • If you have lung cancer, it is better to avoid coffee.
  • If you have an irregular heartbeat or any other heart disease, it is advisable to avoid coffee because of the effects of caffeine on your heart.

Coffee, which is consumed all over the world, has surprising benefits for your liver. Through recent studies and findings, it has been found that it does have an effect on our liver. More research is being done to find out the other implications of coffee on our liver. But coffee is just one of the ways to reduce the risk of liver disease. Mostly, it is your food and healthy lifestyle that will help keep your liver healthy. So, it is important that you eat balanced food along with exercises and listen to your healthcare provider's instructions to manage your way through and stay with a healthy liver.